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Tournament Support

We’ve got some exciting news about the future of independent tournaments! We’re revamping our support structure starting in 2019 to give more ownership to the organizers. Here’s what to expect:
What’s Different

  • Organizers choose whatever platform they want to use for tournament registration/payment (Spikeball will no longer offer TopScore as an option)
  • Organizers add their event details to a searchable Spikeball Events page (players can search all events by date and location)
  • Organizers keep 100% of their revenue (Spikeball no longer takes a cut) as you currently know it will go away. In its place, we’re building an event aggregation system that will allow players to search events hosted across any platform. So organizers can use Eventbrite, a Facebook page, a Google doc, or their own system to handle signups and their events will all be searchable in our master database.
The goal here is to give organizers more control and autonomy of their events. We think that this will lead to even more innovation, profitability, and growth of the sport. Like all new things, there will be some kinks we need to work out, but we’re very excited about this new direction.


When will changes go into effect?
Changes will go into effect starting in January of 2019.

What if I want to host a tournament around the time of the transition?
TopScore (ie the current platform) will be live until December 31, 2018. If you're planning an event for early 2019 and want to open registration in 2018, you will not able to use TopScore. If you're planning on creating an event now check out this quick description of how to add independent events to our official tournament site.

How should I host a tournament without the TopScore platform?
There are lots of ways to take registration and payment. One of the reasons we are making this shift is because we've seen that many TDs have found solutions they prefer. We'll be putting together resources for TDs. If you really like the current software (TopScore), you can work with them to set up your own independent account.

Will you still send prizes to independent tournaments?
We will still continue to support independent tournaments, but we're shifting the structure of how we handle sponsorship. Interested TDs will neet to fill out a sponsorship application and provide basic info around their event and what they're hoping for.

Will you still provide loaner equipment?
For the most part, no. We are creating a system where TDs will be able to purchase tournament equipment at significantly discounted rates. Unfortunately, shipping equipment back and forth is not a sustainable model. We think that more TDs owning the necessary equipment to run tournaments in the long run will propel the growth of the sport.

What will happen to contact info of players that have attended my events?  
After 2018, you will no longer have access to email list and player contact info. However, you can easily log into your account and export any information you wish to keep from TopScore.