Watch College Nationals 2023 on ESPN


These points are awarded to teams in the Pro 6.0+, Premier 5.0+, & Mixed Advanced 4.0+ divisions. Women's Advanced 4.0+ will be awarded Challenger (32+ team) points. The points are used for seeding in pool play, Pro Division qualification and to earn Spikeball Elite. There is no strength multiplier.

Points from 2023 will depreciate by half for 2024.

Position Challenger (0-7 Teams) Challenger (8 - 15 Teams)
Challenger (16 - 31 Teams)
Challenger (32+ Teams) Major (Premier Division) ETS Leuven Major (Pro Division) Championship
1 62.5 125 250 275 145.75 1075 1075 1625
2 37.5 75 150 165 140.45 645 645 975
3 26.25 52.5 105 115.5 127.5 451.5 451.5 682.5
4 21.25 42.5 85 93.5 122.5 365.5 365.5 552.5
5 13.75 27.5 55 60.5 117.5 236.5 236.5 357.5
6 12.5 25 50 55 112.5 215 215 325
7 11.25 22.5 45 49.5 107.5 193.5 193.5 292.5
8 10.625 21.25 42.5 46.75 102.5 182.75 182.75 276.25
9 10 20 40 44 97.5 144 144 260
10 9.375 18.75 37.5 41.25 92.5 135 135 243.75
11 8.75 17.5 35 38.5 88.75 126 126 227.5
12 8.125 16.25 32.5 35.75 85 117 117 211.25
13 7.5 15 30 33 81.25 108 108 195
14 7.125 14.25 28.5 31.35 77.5 102.6 102.6 185.25
15 6.875 13.75 27.5 30.25 73.75 99 99 178.75
16 6.625 13.25 26.5 29.15 70 95.4 95.4 172.25
17 6.375 12.75 25.5 28.05 66.25 92.5   165.75
18 6.125 12.25 24.5 26.95 62.5 88.75   159.25
19 5.875 11.75 23.5 25.85 58.75 85   152.75
20 5.625 11.25 22.5 24.75 55 81.25   146.25
21 5.375 10.75 21.5 23.65 52.5 77.5   139.75
22 5.125 10.25 20.5 22.55 50 73.75   133.25
23 4.875 9.75 19.5 21.45 47.5 70   126.75
24 4.625 9.25 18.5 20.35 45 66.25   120.25
25 4.4375 8.875 17.75 19.525 42.5 62.5   115.375
26 4.25 8.5 17 18.7 40 58.75   110.5
27 4.0625 8.125 16.25 17.875 37.5 55   105.625
28 3.875 7.75 15.5 17.05 35 52.5   100.75
29 3.6875 7.375 14.75 16.225 32.5 50   95.875
30 3.5 7 14 15.4 30 47.5   91
31 3.3125 6.625 13.25 14.575 27.5 45   86.125
32 3.125 6.25 12.5 13.75 26.25 42.5   81.25
33 2.9375 5.875 11.75 12.925 25 40   76.375
34 2.75 5.5 11 12.1 23.75 37.5   71.5
35 2.625 5.25 10.5 11.55 22.5 35   68.25
36 2.5 5 10 11 21.25 32.5   65
37 2.375 4.75 9.5 10.45 20 30   61.75
38 2.25 4.5 9 9.9 18.75 27.5   58.5
39 2.125 4.25 8.5 9.35 17.5 26.25   55.25
40 2 4 8 8.8 16.25 25   52
41 1.875 3.75 7.5 8.25 15 23.75   48.75
42 1.75 3.5 7 7.7 14.5 22.5   45.5
43 1.625 3.25 6.5 7.15 14 21.25   42.25
44 1.5 3 6 6.6 13.5 20   39
45 1.375 2.75 5.5 6.05 13 18.75   35.75
46 1.3125 2.625 5.25 5.775 12.5 17.5   34.125
47 1.25 2.5 5 5.5 12 16.25   32.5
48 1.1875 2.375 4.75 5.225 11.5 15   30.875
49 1.125 2.25 4.5 4.95 11 14.5   29.25
50 1.0625 2.125 4.25 4.675 10.5 14   27.625
51 1 2 4 4.4 10 13.5   26
52 0.9375 1.875 3.75 4.125 10 13   24.375
53 0.875 1.75 3.5 3.85 10 12.5   22.75
54 0.8125 1.625 3.25 3.575 10 12   21.125
55 0.75 1.5 3 3.3 10 11.5   19.5
56 0.725 1.45 2.9 3.19 10 11   18.85
57 0.7 1.4 2.8 3.08 10 10.5   18.2
58 0.675 1.35 2.7 2.97 10 10   17.55
59 0.65 1.3 2.6 2.86 10 10   16.9
60 0.625 1.25 2.5 2.75 10 10   16.25
61 0.6 1.2 2.4 2.64 10 10   15.6
62 0.575 1.15 2.3 2.53 10 10   14.95
63 0.55 1.1 2.2 2.42 10 10   14.3
64 0.525 1.05 2.1 2.31 10 10   13.65

*Some tournaments may not field the 8 Premier teams needed to hold the division. If so, teams will earn points of a lower value.


Mixed 2024 Points

These points will be assigned to pairs competing in Mixed at 2024 events. They will be used for seeding at Mixed events and the Mixed Pro division at the Championship. The Mixed Pro guidelines are listed on the Top Divisions page.

Position Challenger Major - 4.5+ Division Major - 5.0+ Division Championship
1 350 262.5 437.5 656.25
2 325 243.75 406.25 609.375
3 300 225 375 562.5
4 275 206.25 343.75 515.625
5 240 180 216  
6 205 153.75 184.5  
7 170 127.5 153  
8 135 101.25 121.5  
9 100 75 90  
10 80 60 72  
11 65 48.75 58.5  
12 50 37.5 45  
13 35 26.25 31.5  
14 20 15 18  
15 18 13.5 16.2  
16 16 12 14.4  
17 14 10.5 12.6  
18 12 9 10.8  
19 10 7.5 9  
20 10 7.5 9  
21 10 7.5 9  
22 10 7.5 9  
23 10 7.5 9  
24 10 7.5 9  
25 10 7.5 9  
26 10 7.5 9  
27 10 7.5 9  
28 10 7.5 9  
29 10 7.5 9  
30 10 7.5 9  
31 10 7.5 9  
32 10 7.5 9  
33 8 6 7.2  
34 8 6 7.2  
35 8 6 7.2  
36 8 6 7.2  
37 8 6 7.2  
38 8 6 7.2  
39 8 6 7.2  
40 8 6 7.2  
41 8 6 7.2  
42 8 6 7.2  
43 8 6 7.2  
44 8 6 7.2  
45 8 6 7.2  
46 8 6 7.2  
47 8 6 7.2  
48 8 6 7.2  
49 8 6 7.2  
50 8 6 7.2  
51 8 6 7.2  
52 8 6 7.2  
53 8 6 7.2  
54 8 6 7.2  
55 8 6 7.2  
56 8 6 7.2  
57 8 6 7.2  
58 8 6 7.2  
59 8 6 7.2  
60 8 6 7.2  
61 8 6 7.2  
62 8 6 7.2  
63 8 6 7.2  
64 8 6 7.2