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Host a 2021 Sanctioned Event


We are excited to incorporate independent events into our tournament series! We think building a connection between these events will bring greater awareness to local communities and tournament directors and make becoming part of the competitive roundnet scene more accessible.

As the organizer, it will still be your event! You will run it and be responsible for execution from start to finish. There will be operational guidelines to ensure consistency and standards across events, but there will still be lots of room to make it your own and innovate.

  • Up to 20 independent events to earn Premier and points.
  • Teams can only earn premier from approved events
  • All events will take place after the start of the Tour Series (unless Spikeball otherwise approves events).
  • All events must follow safety protocols. If Spikeball deems events unsafe points/premier will not count.

What we're looking for

  • Experienced TDs with proven track record
  • Great venue and locations that expand the accessibility to high level competition  
  • Local communities that are active and on the rise

How to apply

If you're interested in making one of your events count toward the Spikeball Tour Series please send an email to with the following information. Applications are open through January 31st.

Subject Line - 2021 Sanctioned Independent Events

TD Background

Tell us about yourself and/or your organization.

  • Who all would be involved in the event? What's your experience? What size and type of events have you organized?  
  • Anything special or unique about the events you have run?
  • Do you have everything you need to run a great event independently or would you need support? If so, what kind.
  • Why do you want your event count toward the Spikeball Tour Series?

Proposed tournament location info

Tell us about the proposed location.

  • Why is it a good location? What's its history (ie any past events)?
  • Have you hosted any events there in the past?
  • What is the community like in the proposed location and surrounding areas?
  • Is there a venue already chosen? Do you have a specific venue in mind? Please share details.

Event Info

  • Is this an event that is already planned? If so, what date do you have it planned for. If not, what dates do you have in mind?
  • Have you hosted this event before? If so, tell us about it.
  • Is this event part of a local series? If so, tell us about it.
  • How would you make sure this event was well attended and well run?

Please reach out to with any questions!