Watch College Nationals 2023 on ESPN

Game Order

Giving teams a defined order to play their games is very helpful to make sure tournaments run smoothly.


  • Printed game order sheets for each pool - download above
  • Large signs with game order near score takers

How it works

  • Prepare game orders for different sized pools making sure every team in the pool plays each other once. It's helpful to have two sized pools on one sheet in case a team drops.
    • Traditionally this will be for pools of 7 or 8.
      • If you had a pool of 8 and one team didn’t show up, then you can easily switch it to a pool of 7.
    • Don’t use teams names when setting up the order of the games
      • If something changes - a team drops or you need to switch a team from one pool to another - it’s very easy to do as long as you haven’t used teams names.

  • Explain in opening announcements that games will take place in the order on the sheet.
    • It helps for teams to meet everyone in their pool before they start playing games so that they’ll know who they’re looking for later on.
  • Print out small sheets and give them to each team so that everyone knows the order of the games.
  • The score takers should also have sheets or large signs near them with the order of the games.
    • This is the place where most teams will need to reference the information to report their scores and to figure out who they’re playing next.


  • Teams know who to play next and when they should have byes. Order sheets reduce the possibility that teams miss a game or play the wrong team.
  • Teams can report scores using Pool Name and Seed which makes creating and editing pools and score sheets incredibly easy.
  • Entering scores is much easier because it takes team names out of the equation.