1st: Boysterous - Bies/Heck
2nd: MAUKTEGA - Mauk/Ortega
3rd: Origin Vengeance - Fogarty/Hornacek
4th: Anchored LI - Alvino/Fitzgerald
T-5th: Cisek/Showalter - Cisek/Showalter
T-5th: Hibachi - Duffy/Wood
T-5th: Joely Boley - Boles/Graham
T-5th: Stoked to Play with Church - Church/Stokes
9th: Foxie - Noble/Small
10th: KAHOOTERS - Baillargeon/Payer
T-11th: Gucci Swagball 1000 - Groberg/Maddox
T-11th: Magnoons - Rawlings/Schlick
T-13th: Big Bucks - Buckman/Buckman
T-13th: Double Run - Clem/Rouse
T-13th: Sub Par Team - Fragiacomo/Martinez
T-13th: Why Do a Brexit Though? - Dantowitz/Rogers
T-13th: Double Run - Clem/Rouse
T-13th: Sub Par Team - Fragiacomo/Martinez
T-13th: Why Do a Brexit Though? - Dantowitz/Rogers
17th: FOOTWALL - Foote/Ortlip
18th: Pre-Sumptuous - Oliver/Vance
19th: Creamcycle - Sant/White
Event Type Multiplier: 1
Strength Multiplier: 1.3