Watch College Nationals 2023 on ESPN

2019 Results

East Tour Stop Bonus || Montreal, CAN


1st: Mauktega - Mauk/Ortega
2nd: Never Give Up - Caron-Asselin/Laramee
3rd: A Truly Dubious Duo - Abrams/Daly
4th: Simply Smashing - Jomphe/Laurin
T-5th: Do a Barrel Roll - B. Dantowitz/E. Dantowitz
T-5th: Ratons - Martel/Lemerise
T-7th: La CAQC - Hammon/Henri
T-7th: Rocks Don't Swimm - Rock/Swimm
9th: KAHOOTERS - Baillargeon/Payer
10th: NSB - Drouin/Emerson
11th: Happy Trouble - Bellemare/Dery
12th: Beauty and the Beast - Desbiens/Marino
13th: The Prince - M. Prince/S. Prince
14th: TNT - Allaire/Martel
T-15th: Sales Coyotes - Kaltenback/Louis
T-15th: The Ex Bros - Brisebois/Gaudet
17th: Les Beaucerons - Roy/Caron
Earned Premier:
Emerson Dean
Phil Drouin
Alexandre Bellemare
Thomas Dery
Event Type Multiplier: 1
Strength Multiplier: 1


1st: Snugs - Kauffman/Vigna
2nd: Overkill - Crete/Gougeon
3rd: Crazy Cow - Bergeron/Mimeault
4th: The «C» Squad - Ducharme/Faust
5th: BallBusters - Gratton/Potvin
6th: The C.C - Jomphe/Thibault
T-7th: SA aRAcH! - Robichaud/Thibeault Guerin
T-7th: Zoukzouk - Leblanc/Provencal
9th: Les Attelles - Dorval/Sasseville
10th: Team Beaux Chats - Fontaine/Gagnon
T-11th: M & M - Deschênes/Fecteau
T-11th: Les brunettes à lunettes - Bergeron/Bureau
T-13th: Goalfish - Allard/Djerroud
T-13th: Les néophytes - Charbonneau-Corbeil/Janelle-Brousseau
T-13th: M&M - Chiasson/Demers
T-13th: Netchix & Chill - Barbeau/Gauthier-Larouche
Event Type Multiplier: 1
Strength Multiplier: 1.1